Friday, February 6, 2009

4 months old...We have been trying to get bath pictures for awhile, but she doesn't like getting out of the bath. The time in the water is OK to her, but she cries when she gets dressed. Notice the fat rolls :). I took her to the doctor today, and the doctor said "She is huge!". Not so much, doc...I checked the percentiles, and she is between 25 and 50 for length and between 50 and 75 for weight (weight was 14 lbs 13 oz today). Elan likes to squeeze cheeks and say "chubby baby" or "bebe gordita" so she is just a little chubby or pleasantly plump as some say.

The doctor said my kids have quirks, and I guess that is the case since Elan wouldn't eat meat or too many real foods until age 2 1/2. Ellery has her feeding issues with not taking the bottle, only wanting to nurse with her head turned one way, etc. The doctor said she doesn't have an ear infection, and her neck appears normal so she is stumped. She did agree that it would be good to get her on cereal which might help with some of these issues. Since she already sleeps 9-10 hours at night and sometimes 12 hours without eating, the doctor thought the cereal would help her finish out the nights more consistently. Mommy would like to quit getting up at 3, 4, or 5 AM.

Ellery has discovered she can be loud, and she will "talk". She still needs to sleep in her own bed and just cat naps here and there when we are out and about. She isn't turning over yet, but she can now sit in her walker or exersaucer, and we are working up to the Johnny Jump Up. You'll see in the picture that she would rather chew it. She is also smiling at her brother in the Johnny Jump Up. He thinks he is so funny (he calls himself a jester after reading this book about a jester), and evidently she thinks he is funny too!

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