Thursday, May 12, 2011

New fish--Ellery really was excited about the fish even though the pics don't show it. Elan got a coupon from his Sunday school teacher for a free goldfish, so we thought we would get one. The man at the store gave us two--how quick can they die :) ?

Last Thursday was Cinco de Mayo. It was Ellia's half birthday (she was six months old) so we celebrated at Moe's with some $3 burritos. Friday I took Elan for a haircut, and Ellery got her first haircut. She was pleased as could be and didn't get upset at all! Maybe it was because the lady is great at bribing them with candy afterwards.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Unless you are a grandparent, you probably won't watch all of these, but there are some signs of Ellery's new southern accent coming out. Lately she is drawing out her words like Anthony. Some good Easter videos, and one of her talking on the phone which is hilarious!