Thursday, February 25, 2010

glimpse of spring--the weekend weather was about 60, and the kids enjoyed playing outside. Ellery has figured out her brother's old motorcycle, and she loves it. They are also enjoying playing together a little more often.

Monday, February 15, 2010

SNOW! Ellery didn't play in the snow much. She doesn't seem to know what to do with stuff that is so cold, and she whined too much. But since this is a record-breaker for Georgia, we took lots of pictures anyway. She has to wear Elan's old clothes because I never bought her winter gear. Figures that we would actually need it this year. If I buy us a sled next year, it is bound to not snow for 10 years. Here are some pictures of house in the winter wonderland.

pretty tall snowman!

so sweet--holding hands

that scowl is a "take me inside" look

Friday, February 12, 2010

Ellery's time in the box. Since Elan climbed in this box, Ellery had to try too. She made a couple decent photo faces, but my favorite was when she wanted to climb in the rocking chair and she lowered that head and made those big blue eyes really open wide! She is giving me toddler fits most days these days as she thinks she needs to be held and cuddled way more than I can manage, but she can sure bat those eyes at us!